NEW PODCAST: Bone Gigante!
This week, the latest episode of The BoneBat Show!
Episode 19, "Bone Gigante!": In a show every bit as epic as it's title, Steve and Gord collide with Jacob, David and Jeremy of the Pinto Gigante
podcast to bring you a collossal year end simulcast! No topic is safe as the crew decry that which pisses them off, and extol the virtues of the year's finest movies, books, comics, and of course, THE METAL, in this Rashomon of podcastery! But that's not all! We've got Anger! Floods! Obscenities! Zombies! Innuendo! Oustings? Size! Deductive reasoning! And Filthy Jokes! All set to a selection of some of the finest independent music to grace The BoneBat Show in 2008!
And when you're done with that? Listen to The Pinto Gigante
version for a entirely different take on the show, complete with even more incredible music!
Without further ado:
The BoneBat Show!