Movies have always been special to me. As a small town kid whose sole access
to first run movies came via the drive-in, the party-in-the-car
atmosphere combined with the couple-times-a-summer rarity lent each
visit an air akin to Christmas. I wouldn't set foot in a
"walk-in" until the release of Empire Strikes Back, and even then,
going to the movies never lost it's special occasion feel. Soon, I
could be found haunting the local video stores, marinating my
fevered brain in the lurid box art of films I wasn't old enough to
watch, where we might rent a VCR and a few action barnburners or
sci-fi mindbenders for a weekend sleepover. Birthday celebrations, first
romantic overtures, even my
first date with my wife all occurred at the movies. Maybe
that is why my first visit to Scarecrow Video was such a revelation.
They had ALL THE MOVIES. Here. Under one roof. All the schlocky
horror I could stand! Foreign action flicks! Sci-Fi rarities! Bizarre
docs and weird music videos! FREAKING SHAW BROTHERS! My entire cinematic past, present and future. Every film I had
seen, as well as dozens of films I had
been reading about for years and could, WOULD finally see for
myself! As an unwashed eastsider, I don't visit as often as I'd
like, but every visit results in some new rare find to add to my
collection. Another cinematic special occasion, courtesy of
Scarecrow Video.
When my BoneBat Show co-host Gord and I started The "Comedy of Horrors" Film Fest, Scarecrow was there from day one, providing
amazing prizes for our audience. Their support has been unwavering,
and as such, I have been wanting to give back for some time.
On Saturday, August 16th, the Reel to Real Dementia Movie Night will be our first opportunity, as the amazing
Tony Kay and I will be taking over the Scarecrow screening room at
8:00 pm for trivia, prizes, shorts from the BoneBat Film Fest, and a rare
screening of 1977's the Incredible Melting Man! So if movies mean as
much to you as they do to me, please join us. Have a ice cold beer,
(or I hear their Chai is great as well), Buy a dvd, or 2 (or 10),
scream and laugh with us, and as a bonus, help us support this
one-of-a-kind Seattle institution. Thanks for reading. I hope to see
you there.
Da Doo Meow Meow
3 weeks ago