This week: A brand new episode of The BoneBat Show!
In Episode 36: It's Steve versus Gord, Gord versus the raccoons, and Modern Warfare 2 versus Left 4 Dead 2 as we go totally game-centric thanks to the amazing sounds of Metroid Metal! But that's not all! We get pissed off about Video Game Controversies, Flu Shots and Death Metal Immigration; rant up a political storm; review MW2, L4D2, Star Trek Blu-Rays and Troma Retro's Mad Dog Morgan in Multimedia Triage; and close out with a cornucopia of Filthy Jokes in this most thankful 36th episode of The 2009 Podcast Award nominated BoneBat Show! Without further ado:
The BoneBat Show!
Da Doo Meow Meow
3 weeks ago