This week: A brand new episode of The BoneBat Show!
In Episode 31: Steve and Gord blow up with an explosive episode devoted to Chicago's finest defunct punk powerhouse, the mighty Big Black! Additionally, they deliver an epic payload of "What Pisses Us Off " and let loose with in-depth reviews of the unconventional zombie flicks Deadgirl and Pontypool, along with recent releases G.I Joe, District 9 and Inglourious Basterds, and give a listen to the latest Clutch CD, Strange Cousins from the West in Multimedia Triage. All this, a fiery political rant from Gord, and even more Filthy Jokes assail your ears in episode 31 of The BoneBat Show! Without further ado:
The BoneBat Show!
Da Doo Meow Meow
3 weeks ago